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We are very proud of our dogs and spend a great deal of time training, traveling and showing them when we are not raising puppies.  Hope you enjoy our pics! 

Bailey who retired gracefully as MACH4 (Master Agility Champion 4) title .  She is 14 years old and has Vestibular Syndrome.  Similar to vertigo in humans.  She also has pancreatitis.  She is on some Chinese herbs and Standard Process Supplements to help with these conditions.  She still gets very excited during meal time and she still has a great appetite.  She is looking a little older these days but she has a big heart.  This photo was when she attained her MACH4 in Feb 2016 in Springfield, OH.

Bailey is a weave-a-matic!!!

Collage of Bailey doing agility at the Montgomery County All Terrier Nationals in 2007.

Bailey finally getting her first leg in the Junior Earthdog Test at Gem City.  Hope it doesn't take another 5 years to get her 2nd leg for her JE Title!

FLASH!  Bailey received her JE (Junior Earthdog) title in 2010 at the Border Terrier Club of America's National Specialty held in Tryon, NC.  She finished it in style under the well known judge JoAnn Frier Murza.  JoAnn started the Earthdog program at AKC and also the author of the book 'Earthdogs Ins and Outs'.  It was such an honor to be able to finish Bailey's JE under her. 

Millie received her Junior Earthdog (JE) title at the Gem City Agility Club Earthdog Test on 6/6/09 and she is only 17 months old.  Millie LOVES earthdog.  She has a great hunting instinct and work ethic.  She gets down to business.  Hopefully we should get her Senior Earthdog (SE) title easily. 
